About Us

Welcome to Wratilabs! We've set out on a mission to create one-of-a-kind digital experiences that genuinely improve people's lives. We hope to share this journey with you through this platform because we believe that we don't just create software or games, but rather connect people and weave stories that last.

Our Values

We believe in the power of simplicity, the beauty of clean design, and the satisfaction of problem solving. We strive to create products that are simple to use, visually appealing, and ultimately make your life easier. We don't just make software; we make experiences.

Meet the Founders

Our journey began with two dreamers, Adam and Jan Bobowski, brothers who envisioned a gaming world that connects people and tells lasting stories.

Adam Bobowski, armed with years of experience (since 2015) in software engineering, brings a level of precision and understanding to our tech that sets us apart. Adam has spent his career solving complex problems and mastering the art of software engineering. Now, he's decided to turn his attention towards a dream he had long put on hold – creating extraordinary stories and experiences within games.

On the other side, we have Jan Bobowski, a gaming enthusiast in the industry since 2020. Having previously worked in game development, Jan has seen firsthand how monumental effort creating lasting experiences takes. But he wanted more. He wanted to give form to the ideas brewing in his mind, to his dreams. He believes Wratilabs is the ideal place to bring those dreams to life.

On the Journey

This trip we've begun is about exploration, discovery, and growth rather than just getting to our destination. It involves consistently testing the limits, posing inquiries, and looking for novel solutions. With our user community, we want to share our passion for technology, our vision, and our discoveries.

While we're at it, we also make sure to always have fun. We're happy to share what we do with you because we enjoy what we do.

You are welcome to join us on this amazing discovery and creativity trip. One line of code, one pixel, and one user experience at a time, let's use technology to not only solve issues but also to offer joy, to create connection, and to somewhat improve the world.

Stay connected with us, speak your mind, and let's embark on this adventure together. Thank you for being a part of our community.

You can reach out to us through our Contact page, or send us an email at contact@wratilabs.com.